We offer the innovative Garden Prescription service, developed from your garden space conditions and your health needs. Learn to take care of yourself and your family with your own plants! Live a life full of purpose, joy, and connection with nature!
HOW IT WORKS: The Garden Prescription is a personalized consult in your garden space or the place where you intend to do it (garden beds or vases). Pharmacy and landscape designing Knowledge are applied to your reality aiming for maximum medicinal and gastronomical potential. The service includes: 1) Bringing up medicinal and edible plants you already have and guiding you on how to utilize their full potential. 2) Information about taking care of your plants; and 3) Suggestion of species that can be useful for you and your family considering your health needs and the available gardening space.
LOCAL: Your home, in Belo Horizonte.
WANT MORE? We prepare Your Garden Manual: Enjoying and Caring, with pictures and information about medicinal and culinary uses of your plants and also loaded with information about cultivating and keeping your garden well taken care of (delivered by e-mail after the consult).
There are about 70 thousand chemical substances adopted by mankind. Only 6 thousand of those have been evaluated on the risk they pose to humans and the environment. The soil and the human body are affected by the daily use of these chemicals. Is the industrialized medicine really indispensable to solve every health issue? Is the agrochemical really indispensable to agricultural production? Those are important issues that lay on the hands of businessmen and politicians, far beyond our reach.
Being it as it is, we often feel powerless regarding our own health. Have you ever felt like you have been using too many industrialized medications and harming your body? Have you ever felt harmed when you watch the news showing that agrochemical levels are above regulatory established limits, even when our country already permits too much of it?
There are simple attitudes that you can begin today and that can make a very big difference in your life. There is this saying "if you want something well done, do it yourself". You are the person that is most concerned with your own health!
So how about considering a medicinal and gastronomical garden? Growing medicinal species in your garden, you will not need to use that many industrialized medicines. Growing edible species, you will not have to leave the comfort of your home to go after all the ingredients for your diet increasing healthy ingredient use in your daily life and decreasing agrochemical ingestion. On top of that, your expenses with the pharmacy and the market will be reduced in the same proportion as your quality of life will grow
Thinking about that, we created the Garden Prescription. This service is a personalized consultation with our landscape designer pharmacist Ana Cimbleris. The service includes cataloging the medicinal and edible plants you already have and guiding you on how to obtain their full potential; information about taking care of your plants; and suggestion of species that can be useful for you and your family considering your health needs and the available gardening space.
We also make Your Garden Manual: Enjoying and Caring, with pictures and information about medicinal and culinary uses for your plants, loaded with information about cultivating and keeping your garden well taken care of. This is developed counting on scientific studies and 15 years of solid experience in the field.
A lot of times, when we choose our plants – or hire a professional to do it – we end up focusing on beauty alone. But why not make a medicinal and gastronomical garden that is at the same time beautiful, smart and useful? A lot of people have medicinal and edible plants at hand but do not know it, or do not know the right way to use them effectively and safely. That is why people often miss the opportunity to enjoy the full potential of their plants because of lack of knowledge.
Ask anyone who grows their own medicine and herbs if it is worth it, and you will get a unanimous answer: of course it is! People who take care of themselves get superior results in every field of their lives.
Enjoy full health through your Medicinal and Gastronomical Garden!
For more information or to book a consult get in touch!
I met Ana Cimbleris in a post-graduate landscape designing course. I found it interesting that an acting pharmacist would do a landscape designing course! It so happened we became friends and started a partnership creating medicinal, ecologic and functional landscape design projects. Ana is a person that takes her work very seriously, doing everything with affection and respect. It is hard to find someone alike!
I’ve known Ana since she was a little child. She has always been connected to nature and interested in knowledge. She had an excellent professional education in pharmacy and botany, in addition to her interest in social causes. I admire her work! I was pleased to be introduced to Vernalis; on top of being a dear friend’s work, it concerns subjects that interest me a lot: plants, trees, herbs and teas, all made by people who know the area profoundly! Very nice work!
To work with plants in a professional, humane, serious and coherent way is what makes Vernalis a complete brand. From Vernalis, you get a feeling of security coming from the knowledge shared, admiration for the care involved in the treatment process and for everything it proposes to do. It highlights the best in plants, what they have which is more beautiful and useful, bringing people and plants together to cultivate health. It is a treasure to have Vernalis as a partner, it is vital to have its services.
Ana’s phytotherapy consult is quite innovative. She is an excellent professional, who knows all about medicinal plants’ production and consumption chain. Therefore, her services are not only about telling someone to use phytotherapeutic product A or B but it’s about healthcare, focusing on the person and taking into consideration their lifestyle and peculiarities.