Improve your quality of life through plants!
Lectures, classes, and workshops
Effective and useful learningConsulting
Legal, technical and creative support on medicinal plantsGarden prescription
Landscape design and pharmaceutical guidance for your own medicinal and gastronomical gardenVERNALIS
It is not news that people today take more medicines than ever before in history. Paradoxically, our society has more symptoms and diseases than ever. Did you ever miss a precious moment with your loved ones or an important business meeting due to minor health issues like the flu, stomachache or muscular pain? Did you ever wonder if the drugs you take are the best alternative for your problems?
Through the use of medicinal plants, every person can gain more control over their health and decrease excessive medicine use. We offer you a new possibility for your health, which is a very old practice that has come back to the spotlight because of modern scientific validation. By learning to deal with daily minor discomforts utilizing phytotherapy, you can achieve better results in all fields of your life and dedicate your time and energy to what really matters to you!
If you want to know more about Vernalis's history and it's founder, the Pharmacist specialized in medicinal plants Ana Cimbleris Alkmim, click below.
Our Values
Taking Charge of your health
Shared learning, practicing and teaching
Respect for traditional knowledge
Agroecological ethics
Research and dissemination of substantiated knowledge
Conservation of biodiversity
Animal rights awareness
Food safety and nutrition
Que seu remédio seja seu jardim
As plantas oferecem possibilidades fantásticas para ampliação da qualidade de vida, seja através de sua beleza, da terapêutica envolvida no cultivo, de seu uso na alimentação e até como medicamento, na fitoterapia. Só que, ao escolher as espécies que serão cultivadas no jardim, as pessoas muitas vezes focam apenas nos aspectos estéticos e se esquecem […]
Hortiterapia: um novo nome para uma terapia antiga
Quem convive com plantas sabe que a hora de cuidar delas é um momento sagrado, em que dá para esquecer os problemas e afastar o estresse. Essa pausa, mesmo em um dia corrido, pode fazer uma diferença muito importante para o bem-estar. Diversos estudos científicos já mostraram que atividades de jardinagem e horticultura – denominadas […]
Mato ou planta?
Quando você menos espera, elas surgem sem cerimônia, infiltradas no belo vaso de flores ou no canteiro especial das hortaliças. Sim, as plantas espontâneas – mais conhecidas como matinhos – chegam sem ser convidadas, e basta você notá-las para que pinte aquela vontade quase incontrolável de exterminá-las no mesmo minuto. Mas calma, não arranque o […]
I am grateful for having been in those classes. I miss those times! We were so glad to have Ana Cimbleris with us for that period. She is an especially devoted person and passed on her knowledge to us with a lot of simplicity and responsibility. In the Pastoral da Criança, we have the opportunity to put some of what we learned into practice producing guaco syrup. We clean the glassware and the glass containers following the process we have been taught in the classes. I get great feedback about the syrup we distribute. I also put that knowledge into practice to take care of myself, of my daughter, of my grandsons and sometimes to help some neighboring families.
The training Ana gave us was excellent. Providing a rich, up to date and properly referenced material, Ana brought an understanding of how phytotherapy can be a useful tool in health care, through a contextualized approach specially targeted to her public, that in this particular case were public health care professionals.
Although the course was brief it was really good, complete in its content offer and dynamic. In a few hours, I learned a lot of things that I used to think would take so much longer to understand. Ana’s didactic is very clear and technical but also very light and fun. She shows a lot of knowledge of plants and also so much care and respect when she talks about them. I was very satisfied and I am already putting so much into practice like how to dry and store herbs properly and other methods. Soon I will begin to prepare alcoholic extracts and medicinal wines!
I admire Ana Cimbleris a lot as a person and as a professional. She always transmits her knowledge with care and humbleness. I have been in many classes she taught, always noticing her concern in bringing scientifically proven information and respecting traditional knowledge. Ana is that person that cares not only for the wellbeing of people that will use the plant but also about the wellbeing of the plant itself. She is an example of a professional that works with dedication and love, taking care not only of the people but also of the environment.
When I decided to start my own business in the tea industry, the first thing I did was hiring a consultant to deeply guide me about all the aspects related to the products I wished to make. It was crucial to know all about my raw material production, management chain, and legislation! That was when I made the right call and looked for Ana. Top-rated professional, with amazing knowledge of pharmacology and phytotherapy (my field of interest), Ana reliably transmitted to me all I needed and beyond, providing new creative approaches to the business and bringing answers to my questions directly from the regulatory agencies. After that, my business could be materialized. Nowadays I continue in the endless pursuit of knowledge on phytotherapy and consult with her whenever I need guidance.
Considering that a lot of information about medicinal plants is currently available on the internet, what is the differential in hiring Vernalis to do this type of work? The difference is that information is not wisdom. Ana has great wisdom due to all her years of experience in this matter. She cares profoundly about her work and her clients and offers an attentive partnership-oriented approach, seeking understanding about what is truly important in any particular case, constantly pursuing quality. To Casa Horta, the partnership with Vernalis brought the confidence to offer teas and medicinal plant seedlings to our customers with the consideration it requires, always sharing with and learning from her, to offer the best for the customer that reaches out for us.
Our team was trained in fruits, herbs and other plants that are used in blends that we sell in our store. Even though we already had some training before Vernalis came by, their training content was different and excellent. It brought us content that was complete and really enhanced our knowledge base. Although the information load was big, Ana had great didactic catching our interest and keeping our attention focused at all times. In summary, our experience with Vernalis was above all our expectations!
I met Ana Cimbleris in a post-graduate landscape designing course. I found it interesting that an acting pharmacist would do a landscape designing course! It so happened we became friends and started a partnership creating medicinal, ecologic and functional landscape design projects. Ana is a person that takes her work very seriously, doing everything with affection and respect. It is hard to find someone alike!
I’ve known Ana since she was a little child. She has always been connected to nature and interested in knowledge. She had an excellent professional education in pharmacy and botany, in addition to her interest in social causes. I admire her work! I was pleased to be introduced to Vernalis; on top of being a dear friend’s work, it concerns subjects that interest me a lot: plants, trees, herbs and teas, all made by people who know the area profoundly! Very nice work!
To work with plants in a professional, humane, serious and coherent way is what makes Vernalis a complete brand. From Vernalis, you get a feeling of security coming from the knowledge shared, admiration for the care involved in the treatment process and for everything it proposes to do. It highlights the best in plants, what they have which is more beautiful and useful, bringing people and plants together to cultivate health. It is a treasure to have Vernalis as a partner, it is vital to have its services.
Ana’s phytotherapy consult is quite innovative. She is an excellent professional, who knows all about medicinal plants’ production and consumption chain. Therefore, her services are not only about telling someone to use phytotherapeutic product A or B but it’s about healthcare, focusing on the person and taking into consideration their lifestyle and peculiarities.